Care, Gender and Green Economy. Creating research perspectives and achieving equity in a sustainable economy (CaGE)
To enhance the potential for innovative research on gender and care in economic studies and the environmental and natural sciences was the pronounced goal of CaGE. Innovative approaches in these areas were identified and communicated using a range of tools – networking, a knowledge and communication platform, dialogues between researchers and practitioners, and working papers tailored to different target groups to create momentum for scientific and social change.
Find out more about research on the topic here, discuss with us about definitions and arguments, about gaps in research and missing links. Contribute to reshaping economic concepts to make them gender_just, environmentally sound and sustainable - for example by sharing our project findings and best practice examples.

To enhance the potential for innovative research on gender and care in economic studies and the environmental and natural sciences was the pronounced goal of CaGE. Innovative approaches in these areas were identified and communicated using a range of tools – networking, a knowledge and communication platform, dialogues between researchers and practitioners, and working papers tailored to different target groups to create momentum for scientific and social change.
The collaborative project was carried out in two sections:
The first component was devoted to identifying the linkages between care, gender and the green economy, and key actors took part in networking; integrative approaches were identified in the research on gender, care and the green economy, giving rise to strategies and recommendations on how to integrate gender dimensions into the research on sustainable economics and green economy, as well as how to further promote equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming in these research areas. An expert workshop enabled exchange between leading researchers in the field and helped to identify gaps in the current research. In a dialogue between researchers and practitioners, a range of additional actors from research, research funding bodies, and the field came together to discuss initial results and create momentum for scientific and social change. The component was conducted by LIFE e.V. with the help of Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.
The second component focused on the areas of scientific institutions, care and the green economy, and the role of scientific institutions in integrating care and gender into the green economy. The aim was to develop strategies and recommendations for innovative science and research policymaking, to help create future-driven scientific institutions and reveal and strengthen their role in social transformation processes. The research results were presented and discussed during a dialogue between researchers and practitioners. This second component was carried out by the Freie Universität Berlin.
The publication of the project CaGE Texts 4/2014 is available for download in English under the tab Publications.
For the shared use of both collaborative partners a knowledge and communication platform was set up as part of the first component. The platform serves both as a forum for discussion and for networking between scientists in order to thus ensures the enduring implementation of the project’s findings. The same applies for the final conference where the findings of both component projects were put up for discussion and for the final publication.
Duration: 1.11.2013 – 31.12.2014
Conducted by: LIFE e.V. und Freie Universität Berlin, in cooperation with Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Lead coordinator: Ulrike Röhr, LIFE e.V.
The collaborative project was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, support codes 01FP1311 and 01FP131. The responsibility for the content lies with the editors.
We are happy to offer you our working paper 4/2014 in English. Our working papers 1/2014 and 2/2014 as well as our final brochure (3/2014) are available in German.
CaGE Texte 1/2014: Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften im Spannungsfeld von Gender, Care und Green Economy. Debatten – Schnittstellen – blinde Flecken.
CaGE Texte 2/2014: Wissensproduktion im Spannungsfeld von Care, Gender und Green Economy – Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen als Impulsgeberinnen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften?
CaGE Texte 3/2014: Forschungsperspektiven und Chancengerechtigkeit nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens. Abschlussbroschüre.
CaGE Texts 4/2014: Doing Sustainable Economy at the Crossroads of Gender, Care and the Green Economy. Debates – Common Ground – Blind Spots.
Graphic recordings from our conference in October 2014.