genanet Publications
Here we provide publications written and published by genanet and/or our employees.
The publications are sorted according to topic and listed in chronological order. Further publications such as articles or contributions to books can be found in our literature database.
All our publications can be downloaded here or ordered in printed form (for free; donations are welcome). Please send us an e-mail to order a printed version.
- Carbon pricing from a feminist perspective - a gender analysis
At the beginning of 2021, a carbon price was introduced in Germany on the fossil fuels coal, petrol, diesel, heating oil and gas. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus contribute to achieving the climate goals. The level of the price, its effectiveness and, above all, who will be particularly affected and how the additional costs can be socially compensated are hot debates in the political landscape. With this working paper, we are pleased to present the effects of the carbon price and the various compensation proposals for private households/individuals and to analyse their equity effects, especially from a gender perspective. This is not to reject carbon pricing in principle; on the contrary, we consider it a useful instrument. But its implementation and compensation measures should and must be critically examined and adjusted.
Download the Working Paper - Interdependent gender aspects of climate policy
The research project with the full title "The contribution of gender justice to successful climate politics: impact assessment, interdependencies with other social categories, methodological issues and options for shaping climate policy" is examining the added value of a gender perspective for climate protection and adaptation and develop recommendations for taking action. It aims at supporting the integration of gender dimensions into climate policy, in particular in Germany.
The project is conducted by GenderCC in cooperation with the Wuppertal Institute and the Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE)
The first interim report of the research project, including a comprehensive literature review, is published in German. A short version in English is available here.
The final report, including a tool for Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) for climate policy, is available here (in German, with a 15 pages summary in English)
- Gender and Climate Change at the UN Climate Conferences under the UNFCCC
In the course of the 1st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the international women's forum "Solidarity in the Greenhouse" took place. In the following years women/gender aspects were absent in the international climate debate and process. It was only at COP-8 in New Delhi that another Side Event on Gender took place.
genanet has been involved in developing and coordinating women's activities in the context of the UN climate conferences from the very beginning. It has been our goal to integrate gender aspects in the negotiations. From this work arose the international network GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice, which for the first time published position papers for COP-13 in Bali.
All documents on gender and climate policies as well as information on women/gender activities at the UN climate conferences are available on the GenderCC website.
Selected information is also available here under Gender & Climate Change.
- Ulrike Röhr, Meike Spitzner, Elisabeth Stiefel and Uta v. Winterfeld (2008):
Gender Justice as the basis for sustainable climate policies. A feminist background paper.
This feminist background paper was published by genanet and the WG Women in the Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung. It is a first effort to stimulate profound debate on climate justice and gender justice. The first part of the paper deals with definitions of justice, the second part with a feminist perspective on economic theories and the third with the androcentric basis of planning and social structure.
- Gender Equality and Climate Change. Review of the Implementation in the EU of area K of the Beijing Platform for Action: Women and Environment
On behalf of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and together with the Belgian organization Milieu Ltd. LIFE e.V./genanet conducted a study which looked at the implementation of Area K of the Beijing Platform for Action in the then 27 member states of the EU. The wide issue area environment was narrowed down to the area of climate protection and within that to the sectoral politics of energy and transport.
The study introduces the state of research on gender and climate/energy/transport. Furthermore good examples in the domestic politics of member states for both areas were identified, followed by the development of an appropriate methodology.
A Short Version with the main findings of the study is available in German, English, Danish and French. - Submission to the Climate Secretariat
genanet/Life e.V. made a submission to the UN Climate Secretariat in 2013 on a gender-balanced composition of bodies and commitees and gender-sensitive climate policy making. It was demanded not to simply fit women in the existing system, but to question the patriarchal fundaments of the system in place.
- Position Papers for the International Conference on Renewable Energies (Renewables2004)
genanet published a background paper for the International Conference on Renewable Energies - the "Renewables2004" - in Bonn: Gender relations and renewable energy - A Northern perspective points out gender aspects of renewable energies in industrialized countries and formulates demands. It acts as a basis for the Thematic Background Paper on Gender Equity and Renewable Energy (see below).
- Gender Equity and Renewable Energy
The Thematic Background Paper Nr. 12 "Gender Equity and Renewable Energy" was written by ENERGIA with the collaboration of Ulrike Röhr from genanet. It was published shortly before the International Conference "Renewables2004".
- A powerful connection. Gender and renewable energy
This leaflet contains compact data and facts on gender and renewable energy.
- CaGE Texts_4/2014: Doing Sustainable Economy at the Crossroads of Gender, Care and the Green Economy. Debates – Common Ground – Blind Spots.
A summary of the main finding of our project "Care, Gender and Green Economy. Creating research perspectives and achieving equity in a sustainable economy (CaGE)".
You can learn more about the project here.
- Discussion Paper on Gender & Green Economy
In the context of the project Green Economy gender_just a discussion paper was developed formulating key parameters and challenges from a feminist perspective for a social-ecological transformation of the economy.
The discussion paper is complemented by three background papers:
Background Paper on Consumption and Green Economy
Background Paper on the relationship between Care Economy and Green Economy
- Brochure "Sustainable Economy and Green Growth: Who Cares?"
In February 2013 genanet/Life e.V. hosted a two-day international workshop bringing together representatives of women's organizations from all over the world to discuss how the concepts of care economy and green economy can be combined.
The brochure "Sustainable Economy and Green Growth: Who Cares?" comprises contributions of participants dealing with currents debates on the concepts and the links of green economy and care economy and pointing out gaps in research.
genanet is closely following the process of the development and implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development worked out by the Federal Government of Germany.
In this context several statements and position papers were published. These are only available in German. Please see the German version of this page for related publications by genanet.
Statement on the Implementation of Chapter K "Women and Environment"
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Beijing-Conference genanet - in cooperation with several other organizations such as the German League for Nature, Animal Protection and Environment (Deutscher Natrschutzring DNR), Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) and WG Women in the Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung - published a statement on the implementation of chapter K "Women and Environment" of the Platform for Action of the 4th World Conference on Women. The statement exclusively refers to the situation in Germany, but the demands made are universally true. The statement was discussed in an international review-process.