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On Dec 10, 2019, EU ministers in charge of gender equality (EPSCO) adopted Council conclusions based on EIGE's review of the Beijing Platform for…
The Greens in the European Parliament have issued a communication toolkit explaining why climate change policy needs to change and how climate change…
An English translation of our key messages on gender and climate change is now available. A more extended version, as well as further outcomes of the…
Does gender equality feature in your work? Whether you work in fisheries, transport or any other area of the society, it should always be there! With…
The Global Environment Outlook is UNEP's flagship report. For the first time ever, UNEP now released a Global Gender and Environment Outlook. The full…
IFE is represented in Warsaw at the Climate Conference working at in bringing gender into the climate change debates. An array of gender events will…
Following up on our international workshop "Sustainable Economy and Green Growth: Who Cares?" in the beginning of 2013 a group of gender experts…
To what degree does Germanys climate finance take into account civil-society involvement, human rights, gender and a focus on the most vulnerable…
The women's organisations organised in the Women and Gender Constituency have expressed their deep disappointment and frustration on the results of…
The UNFCCC secretariat is organising a Gender Day at the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP18) in Doha on November 27, 2012. Part of the Gender…